The title of this series will be “Fruitfulness” and taught by Heidi McFarlane

Fruitfulness is something we all desire in life. We are anointed to prosper in all that we put our hands to. But there are certain things in life that help us see the fruit that we long to bear. The main thing is being connected to the Vine! In relationship and communion with the Lord is the only way we can bear any fruit. As stated in John 15, without Him we can do nothing of eternal value

Part 4 – His divine power has bestowed on us everything necessary for life and Godliness through our knowledge of Him! Knowledge has action to it! 2 Peter 1:5-7 gives us a list of actions that we are to add to our faith. Peter tells us that with all diligence which is intense effort and motivation we are to exercise these characteristics. We do this by faith and through the grace that has been deposited in us but we must put motion to the things that have been given to us. Faith without works or action is dead!