In this series, we are looking at Biblical keys to gaining and maintaining victory in Christ.  This teaching is not meant to be exhaustive but rather to remind us of truths that we have known and possibly introduce us to spiritual truths that we have not seen yet.

Satan and his demons attack believers in many ways, our focus in this message will be how they try to overwhelm us and what some key responses by believers should be. 

  • Keep a proper perspective.

  • Resist fear.

  • Submit to God and resist the devil.

  • Take every thought captive.

  • Do the Word.

  • Pray in the understanding and in the Holy Spirit. 

Part 2 – In this message, we wrap up point 1 about keeping a proper perspective.  2 Corinthians 4 can seem a little contradictory with what Paul rights, but he is simply acknowledging his natural circumstances and then declaring the promise of God from the spirit of faith within him.  The message ends with point 2, we must resist fear.  These two things are key to overcoming the trials of this life.