| The Paths Of Life – Part 5

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29 November 2022

The Paths Of Life – Part 5



Every believer’s most significant need is spiritual maturity.  Many times, as believers we do not realize the significant impact an unsanctified or carnal lifestyle is having on our life here on earth.  As Christians, we are called to live a sanctified life, a separated life or you might say a holy life.  There are many thoughts that go through people’s minds when you talk about a holy life, or a life set apart, but I want to look at the Scriptures to help us understand this better.


Our lives are full of different paths that we can take, for this reason we are going into a series called “The Paths Of Life.”  This series will contain 6 principles from Proverbs 3 that will give us wisdom to help us walk on the correct paths. 


We are going to look at:

  1. The importance of Knowing and Keeping God’s Word.

  2. The leading of the Holy Spirit.

  3. Humility and healing.

  4. Honoring God with your increase.

  5. Finding, gaining, and retaining God’s Wisdom – Part 1

  6. Finding, gaining, and retaining God’s Wisdom – Part 2


The Word of God speaks to all the major points of our lives.  If we are going to enjoy the outcomes that God has provided for us, we must learn and apply what His Word says.


Part 5 – When it comes to giving God looks to our hearts.  The motivation with which we give is what is most important to the Lord.  Proverbs 3:9 is clear that we are to honor (worship) the Lord with the first part of our increase.  “Giving (worship) is heart preparation for what God wants to say to us and do for us. “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”  Whether believers want to admit it or not devotion to God is measurable and a persons heart is always revealed by their lives. 

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