As believers we know from Scripture that we have been translated out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light.  We know that the devil through the work of Christ has been disarmed.  So, what is the problem if the problem is not the problem?  There are a lot of directions we could go in Scripture on this, but we want to look at three areas.  Faith, wisdom, and obedience. 


Part 2 – Problems can consume a believer who does not have their focus on the promises of God.  In Mark 5 we see the woman with the issue of blood having to overcome many obstacles by faith.  She had been bleeding for 12 years, her friends would not have said it was wisdom to walk to find Jesus, she was in violation of the law, and she came against a massive crowd of people who were not going to let her get to Jesus.  Bible faith functions outside the realm of natural wisdom to get supernatural results.


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