As believers we know from Scripture that we have been translated out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light.  We know that the devil through the work of Christ has been disarmed.  So, what is the problem if the problem is not the problem?  There are a lot of directions we could go in Scripture on this, but we want to look at three areas.  Faith, wisdom, and obedience. 


Part 14 – Obedience is key in order to overcome our problems.  The rich young ruler is an example of someone who chose not to obey the Lord.  If you can imagine a rich noble running up to Jesus and asking, “what must I do to be saved?”  It was quit a scene, but really all for not.  Jesus loved this man so He told him the truth, “in order to be saved, sell everything you have and come and follow me.”  The Scripture says the rich young ruler went away sad.  He did not obey, therefore he was not saved.  This man valued money more than eternity!


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