| Vessels Of Honor – Justice, Joy, and Jurisprudence – Part 3

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22 September 2021

Vessels Of Honor – Justice, Joy, and Jurisprudence – Part 3

The title of this series will be “Justice, Joy, and Jurisprudence”

We will see how walking through testing reveals the wisdom of God. To understand how one is to stand as a declaration of God in the middle of a crooked and perverse generation. We will see the divine provision of the Lord in unlikely and very uncomfortable circumstances. That only through adherence to the Spirit of the Law will one find their deliverance and be able to step into the inexpressible joy of the Lord. “For I know the plans I have for you…”

The key verse that will be taught on is Proverbs 2:9 TPT.


Part 3 – We look further into the eternal, or heavenly, perspective verses our natural perspective which is only a “snap shot”. We see the Holy Spirit knows and goes before us, and it is His desire to reveal the future to us (Amos 3:7)

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