The title of this series will be “Identity Before Behavior” and taught by Mike Hill

An identity is defined as who you are, the way you think about yourself, the way you are viewed by the world, and the characteristics that define you. I am proposing to you that you must know your identity BEFORE you can ACT. Behavior is defined as a way in which a person acts in response to a particular situation or stimulus. To understand your identity, will be to empower your actions. But the reverse is not true. To change one’s actions without knowing your identity will leave you frustrated, discouraged, feeling like a fraudulent hypocrite, full of doubt (due to double mindedness), and ultimately lost. We will look at how our identity in Christ produces the power to change our habits because it is “Not I that live, but Christ living in me”. This behavior forming power unleashes the only commandment we were given by our Lord. This transforming work takes on it’s own expression that only a new creation can release. Agape. The God kind of love. Let’s look at identity before behavior.

Part 2 – In part 2 of Identity Before Behavior we reinforce our identity from the scriptures. This Biblical “true knowledge” allows us to release the behaviors of heaven because we DO from WHO we are. This mind renewal about our identity is mandatory for the strongholds of our past to be tore down. Come along and learn that our new identity comes with new habits in the second installment of Identity Before Behavior.