Matt 15:27 And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table.  KJV

In this series concerning the Syrophoenician woman and the healing of her daughter, we find faith and humility working together in submission to truth producing miraculous results.  Truth is to be spoken in love, but that does not mean that at times it can’t be a tough pill to swallow.  As we submit to the truth with humility and faith the Lord is faithful to manifest His resurrection life in our lives.   


Part 1 – In this message, we see that there were many opportunities for the Syrophoenician woman to yield to pride in fear and miss out on God’s best for her.  As we look at the accounts of this event found in Matthew and Mark, we find truths that will help guide our lives in remaining in faith and humility.  Truth applied always produces a blessing.