The Epistle Of Light And Love – 1 John 2


Join us as we continue our series in the epistle of 1 John.  There were two main concerns that John addressed.  The first was heretical teaching and the second was ethics or the proper conduct of the believer.  This series will be verse-by-verse teaching that will allow us to mine out the truths given to us by the Holy Spirit in this book.  We will see that these truths are still relevant and necessary today.  As we learn and apply God’s truth we will be empowered even greater to enjoy fellowship with the Father and with His son Jesus Christ.


Part 18 – The Bible is full of true treasure.  The Scriptures speak to every area of our lives.  As disciples we have a responsibility to investigate the Scriptures and allow them to instruct and correct us.  In 1 John 2:18-20 we are given instruction concerning the tactics of satan, but we are also given instruction concerning the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to overcome his tactics.  In the last days we are going to see an increase of antichrist activity, to the point we will feel surrounded by it.  Humanity will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, and proud.  Defining these characteristics prepares us for the battle and gives us the ability to be an effective witness for Christ.  Praise God we are not ignorant of the devils devices and that we have an anointing from the Holy One and know all things.   



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