We are continuing in the epistle of Philippians. In this series “The Epistle Of Joy Part 2” – We see Churches are filled with people from different races, cultures, and backgrounds. We are to be an example to the world of the power of the new birth, the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit. What the world cannot do, the supernatural power of God can.
A sad thing happens when the church starts to live like the world. Paul heard from prison that factions were developing in the Philippian church. Here He writes to remind them of the Holy Spirit who lives in them and the fruit which He produces.
Part 1 – As we begin chapter 2 we see Paul by Holy Spirit challenging the Philippians to recall the deposit that was put in them at the new birth. As believers, we have a mandate not to live our lives from the outside in but rather to put on the Lord Jesus Christ from the resurrection power within us and love our brothers and sisters in Christ. Doing this is the greatest witness to the world around us.
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