We hear a lot about success in today’s world, not only from the secular world but also the church world.  Everybody wants to have success in their lives at some level, the definition of that success may vary but rarely do you find people who don’t want or like to succeed.  The Bible is full of different successes through the ages.  In this series of messages, we are going to look at several different accounts in Scripture where individuals and groups followed the Lord and achieved success.  These accounts were written for our example, as we follow the faith that others demonstrated we will see success in our lives as well.  All things are possible with God and all things are possible with the one who believes.  SUCCESS!   


Part 1 –  In our first message, we take a look at 2 Chronicles 20.  We see King Jehoshaphat has made changes in the nation of Judah to bring the children of Israel back to God.  Sometimes it seems like when we make greater commitments to the Lord the enemy will try and gang up on us.  Success came to Judah though through seeking God, hearing from God, and then praising God in the midst of their battle.  


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