Doug Jones has taught the Word of God in full-time ministry since 1975. Since entering into the ministry, he has served as an associate pastor and senior pastor. He has also served for nine years as the coordinator of Kenneth Hagin Ministries’ Healing School located in Tulsa, Oklahoma.


He is currently an instructor at RHEMA Bible Training Center, teaching courses as ‘Spiritual Growth’, ‘Righteousness’, ‘Healing’ and ‘The Life of Honor’.


Doug is also an author and travels extensively throughout the United States ministering the Word of God. As a result of Doug’s years of experience, his teaching style and delivery brings a refreshing and unique simplicity to the truths within God’s Holy Word.


Saturday 7 pm – Part 1 – There are several gifts given to us in our relationship with God.  They are righteousness, the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, ministry gifts, and community (a faith family).  In this message Rev. Doug Jones ministers to us concerning the importance of honoring and taking time in the Word of God.  The measure of thought and study that we give to the truth that we hear will determine our level of harvest.