Have you noticed though that we have a lot of voices in our lives that are competing with the voice of our Shepherd?  In this series we are going to discuss two phrases found in John chapter 10.  We are going to look at the “voice of our shepherd” and the “voice of strangers.”  As we learn to discern the Fathers voice from the strangers voice, we will properly prune our lives of overgrowth and become trees with leaves that do not wither and that bear fruit in every season of life.    

We will be addressing:

  • The voice of the Shepherd and the voice of strangers.

  • The voice of the soul and the flesh.

  • The voice of family.

  • The voice of this present world.

  • How to determine which voice to follow. Developing spiritual sensitivity. 


Part 7 – We are continuing to look at stranger voices in part 7 in this series.  Today we discuss the stranger voice of this present worlds system.  In this message we look at a passage of Scripture found in 2 Timothy 4:9, 10.  There is a gentleman by the name of Demas whom Paul says has forsaken him for the love of this present world.  We must not underestimate the influence and pressure that come to us as believers from the worlds system.  As believers we must guard against loving the world more than loving Jesus.     



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