| Full of Compassion – Part 1

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9 February 2022

Full of Compassion – Part 1

Full of Compassion 

There is no note that can be sounded concerning God’s character that will so inspire faith as this one.  I have seen faith reach “mountain high” when the truth of God’s present love and compassion began to dawn upon the minds and hearts of the people.  It is not what God can do, but what we know He yearns to do, that inspires faith.

Modern theology magnifies the power of God more than it magnifies His compassion; His power more than it does the great fact that “the exceeding greatness of His power is to usward.”  The Bible though reverses this and magnifies His willingness to use His power more than it does the power itself.  In no place does the Bible say that “God is power,” but it does say, that “God is love.”  It is not faith in God’s power that secures His blessings, but faith in His love, and in His will.   Christ The Healer By F.F. Bosworth Page 63


Join us as we investigate the Fathers heart over all of His creation.  As Psalms 145 says, 8 The Lord is gracious and full of compassion, Slow to anger and great in mercy.  9 The Lord is good to all, And His tender mercies are over all His works.  Your faith will rocket sky high when you understand God’s compassion for you.

Part 1  God cannot say more to humanity than He did in Jesus.  God is a gracious, God who is full of compassion.  Compassion is defined as having a disposition to mercy, having a heart that is tender and easily moved toward the distresses, sufferings, wants, and infirmities of others.  We begin this series by looking into Psalms 145:8, 9.  Understanding the compassionate heart of God causes faith to rise sky high, realizing His willingness greatly increases our capacity to receive from His provision and power. 

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