Forgiveness or lack of forgiveness is having major impact in every person’s life. We can take that a step further and say it is having a major impact on those who have passed on to eternity as well. In this series we are going to look at God’s position on forgiveness concerning all of humanity and the evil that we have and do commit. In addition, I want to look at the importance of receiving and giving forgiveness.
“I thought I could have leaped from earth to heaven at one spring when I first saw my sins drowned in the Redeemer’s blood.” – Charles Spurgeon
Patti Davis, the daughter of Ronald Reagan said that her dad made a lasting impression on her the day after the assassination attempt of 1982. She says, “The following day my father (Ronald Reagan) said he knew his physical healing was directly dependent on his ability to forgive John Hinckley. By showing me that forgiveness is the key to everything, including physical health and healing, he gave me an example of Christ-like thinking.”
– The Quote Letter, December 1996
The Scriptures in Matt 24:12 share this truth with us, “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.” NKJV. Forgiveness is key to the love of God burning hot in our lives. Walking in forgiveness is key to walking in victory. We invite you to be with us.
Forgiveness – Part 2 – Forgiveness is the act of excusing a mistake or offense. It carries the idea of someone who has committed a crime, and then are released from their sentence without paying the penalty. This is what Biblical forgiveness is. I am going to make a statement here that could shock you, this is God’s heart toward every person, saved or unsaved. The enemy hates the Gospel, which is good news, so he works double overtime to twist the image of God in people’s minds. God is exactly like Jesus; Jesus is perfect theology which means that God is redemptive in His motivation 24/7. In this message we begin to look at God’s forgiving nature by going back to the book of Genesis chapter 3 and reviewing the fall of humanity and how He responded.
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