| Fiery Trial – Part 2

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2 February 2020

Fiery Trial – Part 2

Fiery Trial – This is defined in the Scriptures as an inferno or calamity as a test, it is trial by fire or refining fire.

As believers, we actually should not be surprised or think it strange that we experience trials in the midst of our relationship and service to Christ.  We are commanded to rejoice because we partake in the sufferings of Christ.  When we step out and obey Christ and begin to put His Word into action in our lives the enemy will bring opposition our way.  Suffering for doing the right thing is nothing to be ashamed of and it is no time to back away from the continuation of walking and living by faith in Christ Jesus.  When we suffer in obedience with Christ we share in His suffering and we also get the privilege of sharing in His glory.  Let us rejoice in our suffering for Christ’s sake.

Part 2 – Christ has called us and empowered us to live holy even as He is holy.  This is not an unreasonable expectation for us because He has given us the Holy Spirit who empowers us to overcome in this life.  In “Fiery Trial” part 2 we see how a portion of this suffering is our flesh not getting to do what it desires, as Peter puts it, “we are to live out our lives on earth for the desires of God and not the flesh.”