Habakkuk 2:4 “Behold the proud,
His soul is not upright in him;
But the just shall live by his faith.
1 John 5:4 For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world — our faith.
The Just shall live by faith and faith is the victory that overcomes the whole world. I have heard it said that the faith movement is over but that could not be because there is no access to salvation without faith, we are saved by grace through faith! In this series, we are going to dive into the subject of faith and hear and hear what the Word of God has to say on the subject. You will be strengthened and challenged by the Scriptures. Faith pleases God and as we live and apply His faith in our lives we become a sweet-smelling aroma to Him.
Part 4 – In tonight’s message, we continue to discuss hindrances to our faith. I have found that most believers do not struggle with the initial place of faith, but rather they allow the enemy to deceive them into derailing their faith. Looking at two different passages, one from the life of Joseph and one from the life of Jairus we discover truths that will strengthen our ability to live by faith on a daily basis. You will be challenged and encouraged.
*I do not see contrary circumstances or problems as a viable reason to stop trusting and expecting to see what God said in His Word.
*Between praying and seeing the reality of what you prayed for is where the enemy attempts to derail you from the tracks that lead to the manifestation of God’s promises in your life.
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