| 2021 – Psalms 23

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6 January 2021

2021 – Psalms 23

2020 is now behind us and it was a year of challenge, but also great growth for the body of Christ.  The Word of God should always shape the way we think so as we move into 2021 I want to take the 23rd Psalm and build your faith in our Shepherd concerning this year.  I believe this will be a message that you will be able to go back to over and over again as you walk through this year and see how your Shepherd led you in with His Word and by His Spirit.

In Psalms 23 we have the account of our Good Shepherd.  God is Jehovah the self-existent, eternal One.  In this chapter we find several of the names of God revealed to His church:

  • Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord will provide” (Gen 22:14).  Another definition is, “the Lord will see to it.”

  • Jehovah Shalom, “The Lord our peace” (Judges 6:24)

  • Jehovah-Rophe, “The Lord who heals.” (Exodus 15:26)

  • Jehovah Tsidkenu, “The Lord our righteousness.” (Jeremiah 33:16)

  • Jehovah Shammah, “the Lord is there.”(Ezekiel 48:35)

  •  Jehovah Nissi, “the Lord our banner.” (Exodus 17:15)

The Lord is our Good Shepherd, He is faithful and will perform His Word in our lives this year as we walk in obedience to Him.