Vessels Of Honor – Sunday Morning Bible Study

Faith Family Church 3608 Custer Ave, Billings, MT, United States

  2 Tim 2:15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  NKJV 2 Tim 2:20 But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honor and […]


Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Worship:   9 am - Vessels Of Honor Bible Study - Mike Hill 10:30 am Sunday Morning Worship - Pastor Sean McFarlane - Contentment   There are many believers in the body of Christ who are living with internal discontent because of external circumstances.  When the condition of our internal state is being […]

Corporate Prayer

Faith Family Church 3608 Custer Ave, Billings, MT, United States

Every Tuesday morning at 10 am here at the church we come together to pray.  We pray for the church body, the city of Billings, the state of Montana, and the United States. Jesus said in Mark 11:17 – “Is it not written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations?  […]

FFC Women’s Discipleship – Summer Session

Ladies, you are invited to come grow with us as we dive into an in-depth study of faith and its application in our everyday life! In Galatians 3:11 it says, "But that no one is justified by the law in the sight of God is evident, for 'the just shall live by faith.'" Everything we […]

Power – Camp 2023 – Junior Teen

We are carriers for God! We will carry His fire throughout towns, this region and to the nations. He’s using you, for truly you have been raised up for such a time as this.   Campers: Junior High Camp is for incoming 6th  graders thru incoming 8th graders. Senior High Camp is for incoming 9th […]

Power – Camp 2023 – Junior Teen

We are carriers for God! We will carry His fire throughout towns, this region and to the nations. He’s using you, for truly you have been raised up for such a time as this.   Campers: Junior High Camp is for incoming 6th  graders thru incoming 8th graders. Senior High Camp is for incoming 9th […]

Power – Camp 2023 – Junior Teen

We are carriers for God! We will carry His fire throughout towns, this region and to the nations. He’s using you, for truly you have been raised up for such a time as this.   Campers: Junior High Camp is for incoming 6th  graders thru incoming 8th graders. Senior High Camp is for incoming 9th […]

Power – Camp 2023 – Junior Teen

We are carriers for God! We will carry His fire throughout towns, this region and to the nations. He’s using you, for truly you have been raised up for such a time as this.   Campers: Junior High Camp is for incoming 6th  graders thru incoming 8th graders. Senior High Camp is for incoming 9th […]

Vessels Of Honor – Sunday Morning Bible Study

Faith Family Church 3608 Custer Ave, Billings, MT, United States

  2 Tim 2:15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  NKJV 2 Tim 2:20 But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honor and […]


Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Worship:   9 am - Vessels Of Honor Bible Study - Mike Hill 10:30 am Sunday Morning Worship - Pastor Sean McFarlane - Contentment   There are many believers in the body of Christ who are living with internal discontent because of external circumstances.  When the condition of our internal state is being […]

Power – Camp 2023 – Senior Teen

We are carriers for God! We will carry His fire throughout towns, this region and to the nations. He’s using you, for truly you have been raised up for such a time as this.   Campers: Junior High Camp is for incoming 6th  graders thru incoming 8th graders. Senior High Camp is for incoming 9th […]

Convergence – Billings Night of Worship

JOIN US Sunday, June 25 @ 5 PM @ New Life Church for the 1st of 2 powerful BNOW Convergence Nights!!   The purpose of BNOW Convergence Nights is to encounter Jesus and cultivate an atmosphere of UNITY in bringing together The Church of Billings in anticipation for the big Billings Night of Worship on […]