Teenagers, 6th – 12th grade, join us for youth group! Youth group is a place for you to come worship, be encouraged in the Word, eat snacks, and play games with friends who love Jesus too!
To fulfill a life in Christ we must grow in the Lord and learn about who we are in Him. Youth group is designed to help us accomplish this and teach us how we can stand strong in our relationship with Him and use what we know to share Christ with others.
I’m A New Creation In Christ – Many of us have experienced our new birth in Christ. But do we understand what took place on that unforgettable day. Many questions arise like: Did all my problems just go away? Did I get a new mind and spirit? What about my body? It didn’t seem to have changed! Now what do I do with my life? What really does it mean to be a new creation in Christ? Always with the help of the Holy Spirit we will study the Word to answer many of these questions to gain more understanding on who we are in Christ. Without this understanding Christians can end up staying converts and not becoming disciples. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit will always guide us into truth and light.