Join Us Sunday Morning At 11:15am As We Welcome Special Guest Pastor Joel Ziolkowski
Joel Ziolkowski is the Pastor of Living Outreach Church in Custer, South Dakota. He grew up on Crazy Horse Mountain as the youngest son of sculptor, Korczak Ziolkowski. God captured the heart and life ofthis once rebellious young man and called him to go to RHEMA Bible Training Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma.He has a passion to speak the truth of God's Word into the lives of people so they have the tools to liveevery day victoriously through faith.
Joel graduated from RHEMA in 1986 and pastored a church in Rushville, Nebraska from 1988-1992 whichincluded a church plant on the Pine Ridge Reservation in 1989. God called him and his family back toCuster to start a church in 1992. In addition to being the Senior Pastor of Living Outreach Church, he isthe state director for South Dakota of RHEMA Ministerial Association International. Joel’s ministry travelshave taken him to RHEMA South Pacific, Italy, Romania, Nicaragua and around the region.
Joel and his wife, Diana, have been married for almost 40 years. Together they have 5 children and 9 grandchildren. They enjoy motorcycle riding through the Black Hills and have a vision to see the area wonfor Christ.