Hear His Voice - Part 10
Part 10 – Our personal desires are an ever-present stranger voice in our lives. Spiritual maturity requires personal responsibility, to hear from our Shepherd clearly, we are going to have to control the desires of our flesh and soul. In this message we visit Philippians 2:19-21 again. The Holy Spirit through Paul shares with us the importance of our motivation by addressing some of the issues that he faces with his ministry team. Paul desires to know the state of the church at Philippi and he desires to minister to them, but he is behind bars, so as he surveys his team the Lord highlights Timothy to him and tells him he is the one to send. The reason Timothy is the one to send is because, “he will sincerely care for their state, because he seeks the things that are of Christ Jesus and not the things that are his own.” Let’s watch out for the stranger voice of personal desires.