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Rev. Jeremiah Harris
11 July 2021 @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Join us this Sunday for Rev. Jeremiah Harris! You will be blessed by the Word of God and the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon his life.
Jeremiah was called to the ministry from an early age. He was raised in a Rhema church in the
mountains of North Carolina and began serving as soon as they would let him. After attending
Middle Tennessee State University for four years, he enrolled in Rhema Bible Training College
and graduated in 2008. Afterward, Jeremiah became the voice of the Rhema Eagles College
Basketball team and began teaching the Singles 1827 School of the Bible class at Rhema Bible
Church. He also became the head usher for SynergyRhema’s young adults and singles
groupand has been a guest minister there throughout the years. Jeremiah has continued to
preach, serve, and lead wherever he can. He married Heidi, the love of his life in 2017, and with
her, continues to teach the next generation through every avenue possible. Jeremiah is passionate
about growing the local church around the world and seeing every believer walk in the fullness
and power of God’s amazing love.
Sunday Morning Worship:
9 am Lessons In Leading.
10:30 am Sunday Morning Worship.
Faith Kids Ministries for all ages.
3608 Custer Ave.
Billings, MT 59102
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