This week Pastor Josh Meeks will be continuing his teaching entitled “His Identity”
Our identity in Christ is under attack every second of every day. In order to obtain victory each day, we must understand who we are and whose we are. We must allow the Holy Spirit to renew our minds every day by reading and meditating on his WORD. Christ obtained the victory for us and now it’s up to us to operate from it. We are currently studying through the life of king Saul and looking at examples of what is part of our identity in Christ and what is not.
The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:33 – Evil company corrupts good habits, in the Passion Translation it reads – Stop fooling yourselves! Evil companions will corrupt good morals and character. This is true whether we like to admit it or not, on the other hand, good companions will strengthen good morals and character. FFC Youth is a great time to come together for young people between 6th and 12th grade to have fun with friends and make new ones as well as a time to get established and grow in their relationship with the Lord.