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2nd – Sunday Morning Service – Walk In The Spirit – Part 2
January 19 @ 11:15 am - 12:30 pm
Sunday Morning Worship:
11:15 am Sunday Morning Worship – Walk In The Spirit – Part 2 (Pastor Sean)
Main Scriptures: Gal 5:16 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. NKJV
Gal 5:25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. NKJV
Please join us for our Sunday morning series this morning entitled “Walk In The Spirit.” God’s greatest desire is to walk with all mankind like He did Adam in the garden of Eden before the fall, this is why Jesus came. When we received Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior a change took place in us, in our spirits. We went from being spiritually dead to spiritually alive. We went from having a sin nature like Adam to a righteous and holy nature because of the work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts. Every Christian has the potential because of the Holy Spirit within us to walk with God like Jesus did when He was on the earth.
Humans are 3 part beings. We are spirits, we possess souls, and live in bodies. If we are going to “walk in the spirit” we must have a spirit first mindset. Understanding this will help us “walk in the spirit” or walk with God.
Christians were never meant to be primarily led in life by their minds or by their bodies, they were meant to be led by the Holy Spirit within their spirit. Christians are recreated in Christ to “walk in the spirit.”
Christians who walk in the spirit, walk with God.
Message Purpose: The purpose of this teaching series is to increase our spiritual awareness. In looking to the Scriptures, we are going to discover and strengthen our ability to walk in the spirit.
Here are some of the truths that we will be looking at:
God is spirit and so are we.
Developing a spirit first mentality.
Believers determine how close they walk with God.
Developing a strong spirit.
How do we feed our spirit.
The results of walking in the spirit.
3608 Custer Ave.
Billings, MT 59102
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